I see You

"The greatest gift is to truly exercise the art of making contact!
I see you
I hear you
I feel you
I understand you
when is it most essential and needed.....
In times when it becomes hard to really see and hear the other!
When was the last time you really needed to be seen and heard and your partner or friend was able to do so even though you know they were confronted with their own disappointment, hurt of some sort or non agreement. I recently connected with a friend who told me a specific moment he felt triggered by my statement. I slowed down paused, took a breath because I felt my own trigger of feeling misunderstood. i choosed to let it go and said: "Thanks for letting me know about that and i am honestly sorry about your hurt." Even though i did not intended what happened for you, i take full responsibility in hearing the impact." What happened then was magic. We both looked and felt a bit softer and connected to each other. Relationship challenges openly and skillfully shared allow a door for deeper connections and understandings. This takes presence, acceptance, responsibility, courage on both ends."

By Eva Wieprecht

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